Saturday, April 17, 2010

1981 Topps Baseball Scratch-Offs

1981 was a great year for collecting stuff. We had three companies instead of one. Topps was doing all sorts of sets. We got regular issue cards, the 5x7 Home Team cards, and the sticker set. We also got a cool "scratch off" set. By the time this series came out I was 14 and was kind of old to play the scratch off game.

This set featured a total of 108 players. The cards came in various three-player combinations and they were perforated for separation while playing the game. I ended up a few players short of a set back in '81 -- I'll need to check to see if any of these cards would help complete the set.

 Nice touch by Topps to put the gum in an individual pack


  1. I'd be happy to take the Cey scratch-off if you can spare it.

    These never made my neighborhood. We bought the cards and the stickers and the 5x7s, but I didn't even know the scratch-offs existed until many years later.

  2. I would so love to play this, I have a weird affection for scratch off stuff. Where did you find the pack?

  3. If and when you check your dupes, I would be interested in any Guidry or Nettles. Thanks
