Sunday, June 29, 2014

2008 Upper Deck Cleveland Indians Fan Pack

Wow, I haven't busted a pack in here for a long time !

But a few days ago I received a pack in the mail that is very worthy.

A Cleveland Indians fan pack I never heard of before !

Chunter, a big Braves Fan over at Chip & Dale, with whom I've made several trades, sent an email about this pack.

He found it at a Walmart for $1.00.

He wanted to know if I was interested.

What !!?? Are you kiddin' me !

Even if I had seen these these before I'd still be interested in another or two, or five, or ten !

I know absolutely nothing about this pack and have never seen one before, for the Indians or any other team.They are available on ebay for Red Sox, Yankees and Indians and apparently were available in 25 ct. cases and 100 ct. "master" cases. They carry a pretty hefty price but are not selling too well. Probably because they are mostly just common cards and not much of any substantial value. More of a curiosity factor..Which they would have gotten me there ! 

I probably would have been more excited about the contents back in 2008 than I am now as there is not one single card of a current Indian player !

However there was one quality card !

So here's what was inside.

2007 Upper Deck Series 1 and 2
8 Series 1
4 Series 2

2008 Upper Deck Series 1
7 cards

2007 Upper Deck Future Stars
2 cards

2007 Upper Deck SP  Legendary Cuts.
These two are a step up !
Nice cards of Feller and Lemon.

2007 Upper Deck Artifacts
Victor Martinez

And finally the card that made the pack for me.

2007 Upper Deck Masterpieces

You may not be able to tell, but it's the glossy version !
Only one I have.

So thank you Chunter !

I'll be watching out for a pack of Braves for you !


  1. Cleveland?

    And I only say that because I can see (sort of) why Topps would put together fan packs for the Yanks and the BoSox. But Cleveland is an odd 3rd choice if they are not doing the packs for the other 27 teams. I would more have thought the Dodgers, Rangers or Cubs. Cleveland has team history, but not championship history.

    Then again, neither do the Cubs. (ZING!)

  2. Man, I did not know that made a Tribe version of these!! What a great find! Thanks for sharing! Now, I gotta go scout some of these out!

  3. I got two of these packs, one for Red Sox and other for Yankees in one of those many repack boxes. They are pretty cool.

  4. I also pulled a Red Sox and a Yankees pack from a repack box last year. I think I did a post on them. They were pretty confusing cards as I'd never heard of them before.

  5. Cool stuff! I will keep my eyes peeled for any other packs I find at Wally World.
