Saturday, January 06, 2018

1992 Sears Craftsman Collector Cards

When you can't have all the tools in the world, the next best thing is to have trading cards of them.  Although Sears sold the Craftsman brand to Stanley, this "valuable, limited edition set" has withstood the sands of time.  These were only available in the hardware departments at Sears stores and is the only card in America to include Craftsman Workingman's Gum.  Yum, how could I not pass this pack up for APTBNL??!!  Cards come 12 to a pack including the Jeep Wrangler game card....Boo, so there are actually only 11 tool cards.  I know you are all dying to see what is inside, here we go.

It looks like the 110-card set is broken up into subsets: Dyno Saws, Forever Tools, Workshop Wonders....etc.  Some cards come in a horizontal format while others are in the vertical format.  I actually own that Mechanic's Tool Box.  Score!

This tool box is a little smaller...maybe this is the one I have.  Sadly, this 25-year old pack did not yield me any prizes.  I suspect this was a ploy to get you to actually send in your address to them so they could get you on their mailing list.

Here is what the backs look like. They give you specifications of the tool, plus some tips from actual users so you don't cut your fingers off.

The gum is actually still soft....must be all the preservatives in this Workingman's Gum.  They must have suspected that people would continue to buy these packs well into the future so they wanted to keep the gum as fresh as possible.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Nice hit with the Shop-Vac rookie card!

  2. That is one interesting odd non-sport set

  3. I guess Topps has to now scrap any ideas of using a Workshop Wonders mini insert set in this year's edition of A&G. LOL

  4. I never thought that most of these are all probably rookie tool cards. It is definitely an interesting set and sadly the only one available at the card store. Yeah, Topps, better think twice about inserting any tool cards into their future packs. I forgot to mention that The Trading Card Database has the entire checklist.

  5. I wish I knew about these cards back in the early 90's. I would have bought some for my father. He loves his tools. Who knows... maybe this set would have lured him into the hobby.

  6. I heard the Bench Top Radial Arm Saw refuses to sign autographs anymore...

  7. Prima Donna....they get their face on a trading card and they forget the fans that got them there......

  8. Those are exceptional. Love this pack.

  9. Unique and another way to promote your products.

  10. The favorite card set of Ron Swanson.
