Wednesday, August 03, 2022

2022 Rittenhouse Star Trek: The Next Generation Archives and Inscriptions


As a huge TNG fan I bought myself a box of this product as a birthday present back in May. It wasn't released until August, so here we are.

Each box boasts 2 "Inscription" autographs, 2 "other" autographs, and various inserts.

The base set is quotes from TNG.

Here we go.

First we have a quote from Ensign Robin Lefler, portrayed by Ashley Judd.

Our next two are a Locutus quote from Best of Both Worlds, and a Best of Both Worlds Insert.

Finally, quotes from Gowron and Okona.

If I had a complaint about this set, it would simply be the font used for the quotes. I feel like they could have chosen a less silly looking font.

In case you were wondering, below are the autographs I pulled. 2 are inscriptions made for this set, 2 are likely expired redemptions from previous sets. Quite happy with the two inscription cards. 


  1. Oooh, Carolyn Seymour autograph! She was terrific both as Toreth (pictured) and as Miranda Yale in "First Contact". A very underrated actress IMO.

  2. I would still be buying all the TNG card sets if Rittenhouse didn't get the license and made it all scarce and expensive. Yes, I cannot imagine Gowron using that font. And I agree, the "other" autographs saved your box!
