Thursday, May 14, 2009

1991 Pacific Bingo! Movie Cards

I must sadly admit that I've never seen this movie. I've seen Beethoven [which was written by John Hughes, of every great 80's movie fame] but never Bingo!...or Air Bud for that matter...

The story is pretty is kicked out of circus...boy finds dog...parents don't want boy to have moves to Green Bay...kid doesn't want to move to Green Bay...WAIT A MINUTE! Who doesn't want to move to Green Bay?!?...sure, this is pre-Favre but still they had wild card team potential!

The story continues...boy is separated from goes on journey to find family...boy and dog get kidnapped...things work out in the end...

Everything I learned about this movie came from reading my cards in this pack!

Some genius decided to make a card set:

#46 Bingo Can't Be Found

#36 Family Spat

If you've been missing that Cindy Williams card from your collection, then the Bingo! set is for you...We all know Cindy from this:

But you should really know her from one of my favorite movies, The Conversation....and forget Hoosiers, this is Gene Hackman's best movie too.

It is the film that Francis Ford Coppola did between the first Godfather and Godfather II.

Here's what the back of the cards look like:

#95 Break The Fire Alarm!

#42 Dog Day Afternoon

#49 Walking The White Line

#83 A Tight Situation

#92 The Winning Ticket

#48 The Search Begins

#50 Should He Be Driving?

#54 The "Duke" of Franks

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