Sunday, April 18, 2010

1996 Pinnacle Denny's Instant Replay Hologram Cards

1 pack. 1 card. Better than Upper Deck Black.

Here's an instruction page if you can't figure out the hologram...

This could not have turned out better.

1996 Pinnacle Denny's Instant Replay Holograms #11 Kirby Puckett

And here's the reverse:


RWH said...

Nothing like breaking out your nearest spotlight or floodlight to properly view a card.

Community Gum said...

If Denny's still gave out these grand slam cards, I would still go to Denny's.

I miss holograms on cards.

flywheels said...

I ate a lot at Denny's in the mid 90's...just to get baseball cards!