Upper Deck burst on to the scene in 1989 and immediately became the gold standard for baseball cards of the era. One year later, however, and Upper Deck was just another pile of junk wax.

455 - Greg Briley

408 - Joe Boever (How do you pronounce his name? Bo-ever? Beaver? By-ver?)

364 - Alvis Davis (Really sweaty closeup.)

343 - Ellis Burks (I wonder if even a quarter of the people who own Big Papi jerseys know about guys like Mike Greenwell and Ellis Burks.)

559 - Ken Howell

525 - Melido Perez

275 - Mike Moore (Generic name / 19-game winner / World Champion)

272 - Dave Stewart (The La Russa/Duncan-era A's rotation was really, really good.)


122 - Ken Caminiti (Sad story.)

135 - Mark Carreon

611 - Jeff Wetherby (Wow. Wetherby appeared in all of 52 games in his career, all in 1989, averaging less than one at-bat per game played. He hit one home run in his MLB career - off of Greg Maddux.)

650 - Charlie O'Brien

39 - Scott Sanderson

19 - Jack Howell

637 - Trevor Wilson (Yes, they had them even in 1989.)
The Hall of Shame checkbox is just below and to the right.
Nice job by Ellis Burks. He's really keeping his eye on the ball.
Confirmation word: depusses.
I'm leaving that one alone.
Love the duct tape on the pay phone on the Trevor Wilson card.
His baseball reference page has his nickname as "Boever the Saver", so that may be how you pronounce his name.
yeah, its Joe BAY-ver...
Exactly. Upper Deck went from being the gold standard to the iron pyrite standard, overnight.
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