Here's an interesting little set... okay, fine... MASSIVE set put out my Donruss in 2005. I wouldn't mind finding a box of these someday to open for fun. This particular pack was in some repack box or another.

160 - Edwin Jackson (Jackson has bounced around a bit, having pitched for 5 teams in 9 seasons with an All-Star appearance sprinkled in.)

139 - Jeff Bagwell (I've been on a bit of a Bagwell run lately.)

250 - Dave Parker (This is a fantastic looking card. I'm not sure why, but it's just great.)

326 - Rickey Henderson Silver Showdown 26/50 (Not bad! It's a low-numbered Rickey Henderson parallel. Any Rickey collectors out there? I literally have more than 100 of his cards for some reason.)

The backs are pretty pedestrian looking, although this one has a nice little serial number on it.

203 - Vance Wilson (With the palm tree in the background, Vance must either be at spring training or on vacation.)

77 - Carlos Lee

353 - Moises Alou (Moises looks like a minor league hitting instructor here.)

332 - Jeff Mathis
Ugly, ugly design. I really liked the 2004 set better.
The Parker card is great because of all that yellow on his jersey.
And Wilson actually discussed that card at length in my interview with him. If that card is up for trade I'd definitely be interested.
So 440 cards is a 'massive' set now? Or maybe it was back in 2005...
i could use that Henderson, drop me a note at arpsmithATcoxDOTnet and I am sure we can work something out.
Thanks, Adam
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