Score cards generally seem to sacrifice quality and, in many cases, design but usually come up with some pretty interesting photography as well as a good amount of stats and biography information. Here's a 1996 Series 2 pack after Series 1 was posted
last week.

357 - Cecil Fielder Star Struck (These are pretty hideous. This was a way to stick in some extra star players into Series 2 while avoiding the whole All-Star designation that Topps probably had some sort of right to.)

277 - Pedro Martinez (Have we heard the last of Pedro?)

353 - Darryl Strawberry

321 - Gregg Jefferies (This is a pretty good photo, even though it's a little blurry and you get a lot of the umpire's knees.)

312 - Julian Tavarez (Tavarez won 10 games as a setup man in 1995.)

381 - Ruben Rivera Star Struck (Struck out is more like it. Rivera was phenomenally bad.)

306 - Dennis Martinez (Martinez pitched for something like 40 years.)

341 - Ben McDonald

371 - Will Clark Star Struck

458 - Mark Portugal (The Reds are not my friends this year.)
I always liked Dennis "El Presidente" Martinez. Remember his wild pitch broke Kirby Pucketts jaw....OUCH!
I always liked these cards, probably because of the appropriate use of the team colors on the "name" band at the bottom.
That Fielder card indeed is the worst.
It looks like he's struggling to outrun The Nothing from "The Neverending Story".
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