#30 Tom Seaver
This was the first card in the pack! Frickin' Tom Seaver...how great is that.

Plus not one but two cards of Jack Morris in home and away jerseys...
#450 Jack Morris

#556 Jack Morris All-Star

#730 Gary Carter

#91 Carney Lansford
It's not too clear on the card but Carney's wearing glasses which makes this card damn near perfect in my book.

This was inserted into my pack and I don't know enough about the 1982 set if this is a one per pack thing or something "special."

#92 Brad Havens
#221 Jim Slaton
#532 Toby Harrah
#420 George Hendrick
#112 Billy Sample
#257 Larry Harlow
#702 Steve Renko
#17 Darrell Evans
#13 Lamar Johnson

That Reuss-Yeager Dodger sticker is SWEET!
Very nice pack -- I would have been happy with it back in the day.
That pack was reverse searched... Someone opened it up, put in a bunch of awesome and resealed it. The sticker is a one per pack, by the way.
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