Hold your applause. This is a guaranteed Hall of Fame pack. At only 6 cards with a wrapper that is pre-priced at 99 cents, this must have been sold in some configuration that I'm not familiar with or that just doesn't exist anymore.

606 - Aaron Rowand (Nice shot of Rowand in front of Ted Lyons on the outfield wall.)

407 - Carl Everett (Everett was doing a lot of this and not a lot of playing baseball at this point in his career.)

694 - Lance Berkman / Miguel Tejada Kings of Swing (Future and now former teammates.)

374 - Freddy Garcia (Really? 6 cards and half of them are White Sox...)

476 - Cristian Guzman (I wonder if anyone asks for Guzman's autograph anymore, now that he plays for the Strasburg Strasburgs.)

491 - Tony Womack (I have fond memories of Tony Womack as a member of the great 2004 Cardinals club. I have less fond memories of the 2004 World Series.)
Just don't like Rowland far away look
I'm going to make a wild guess and say that a White Sox fan voted this one into the Hall.
I really like that Berkman Kings of Swing card. Don't think I've seen it before.
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