Do you hide the hobby from others?
There was a wide range of responses from our community.
Personally... my family, friends, a handful of co-workers, and my students know I collect sports cards. However I don't go out of my way to tell everyone. But if a conversation about collecting started up, I'd have no problem jumping in.
This hypothetical situation applies to sports cards. Grown men (and women) talk about sports everyday. I'm not quite sure if the same rule works for cartoons. That being said... life is all about taking risks, so today I'm standing up and admitting that I'm a middle aged man who still watches cartoons.
A while back, I started watching Bob's Burgers on Hulu. Not exactly sure what motivated me to click on this show. Maybe it was inspired by a comment on my blog. Maybe it was recommended by one of my students. Or maybe I was just bored one day, so I gave it a shot.
Whatever the reason, I'm glad I did.
I sat around writing a review for this show, but ended up deleting it. Why? Because this blog is about cards, not cartoons. So let's get to the trading cards.
After watching a few seasons of this show, I started wondering if a company out there tried to capitalize on this show by making trading cards. My search eventually led to a Target exclusive soundtrack CD that included 6 collectible trading cards, which sells for $11.99.
Unfortunately none of my local Targets have it in stock. I found copies on eBay and Amazon, but I wasn't willing to pay a premium for a CD I was probably only going to listen to once. Eventually I found a vendor who sells these sets for $4.98 (+ $1.99 shipping). I'm not exactly proud of paying almost $7 for cartoon trading cards, but it's too late now.
I clicked the Buy It Now button and voilà. The cards came in a pack that actually features a wax paper wrapper:
Here's a look at the wrapper unfolded:
Inside there were six unnumbered trading cards. Each of the five Belcher family members received their own trading card:
Bob is the patriarch of the Belcher clan and the main cook for the family run restaurant. He was the first card in the stack.
Linda is his singing and supportive wife who enjoys a glass of wine every now and then.
Tina is their boy obsessed daughter who has an awesome fascination with horses.
Gene is the food loving, middle child who is an aspiring musician.
Teddy is the stereotypical, talkative and happy-go-lucky customer you see in television shows (and in this case cartoons) involving a restaurant setting.
But like I said... let's focus more on the cards, instead of the show.
I'm a huge fan of the card's design, which resembles 1975 Topps baseball. The card stock is reminiscent of 70's and 80's Topps non-sport trading cards, but unfortunately it doesn't come with the wax stains or bubble gum scent.
If you know me, you know I'm always fixated on photo cropping. Well these aren't photos, but the illustrations left all five Belchers with their arms and legs intact. That's a huge plus!
Overall, I'd give this set four stars.
I realize most of you are adults who haven't watched cartoons in years. But if you ever looking for something to watch while you're sorting your baseball cards, I'd recommend giving Bob's Burgers a shot.
Happy Friday and sayonara!
I love Bob's Burgers!! I need those cards like now!!
Haven't seen Bob's Bergers, but there's nothing wrong with cartoons!
A good friend of mine thinks I'd love this show if I gave it a chance. Maybe someday. Anyway, what I think is really cool is the general idea of cards issued by the legendary record label Sub Pop!
To be honest I am not thrilled by Bob's Burgers. Sorry to those of you who are fans. I was hesitant to watch it because of the drawing style. I have watched a few episodes and they were OK but not gut busting funny. I might have laughed out loud by some jokes but not many. I dislike some of the voices and characters. The cards are nice and look to be of good quality.
adam - if you enjoy the music, might be worth seeing if your local target has the exclusive soundtrack. otherwise, eBay seems like the most affordable route.
jafronius - i'd recommend giving it a shot. it's not for everyone (see captkirk42's comment below), but it's one of the shows i play in the background while i'm doing things around the house
brett alan - honestly... my info might not be 100% correct. i couldn't figure out if they just licensed it or actually produced it.
captkirk42 - totally understand. tons of people like futurama and archer, but i just couldn't get into them.
I do watch the show and enjoy it. The cards aren't that exciting but I think they go with the tone of the show. Low key. Good post. Thanks.
Fun show and cool little card set. I’d buy it.
I can appreciate other fan's love of the show. I tried it, and I just can't get myself to love it. Every time I hear H. Jon Benjamin's voice, I think of Archer, not this show. Or maybe Wet Hot American Summer. That guy's voice is just everywhere, and it distracts me in this show. Oh, well.
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