Wednesday, January 29, 2025

1992 Topps Gruesome Greeting Cards


If you're visiting this site then you are a fan of trading cards and know that Topps especially has released their fair share of non-sports sets. I can only imagine that the success of Garage Pail Kids led them to "think outside the box" while continue to push the envelope and that led to these Gruesome Greeting Cards. These are your typical trading card size, however each card is a booklet, or a greeting card. A small dot of glue was placed on the inside to keep them closed inside the small 3 card cellophane pack. While I personally don't remember these in the 90's, when I ran across two sealed packs at a antique store I knew they had to go home with me.

I don't recall any trading card post needing a warning, however in today's culture some people may find these cards/images offensive. Please note that these are satire and are only being shared for entertainment/archival purposes.

As the wrapper states, included in each pack is 1 Scratch 'n' Stink card. These cards feature an image on both panels of the inside and have a place for you to scratch and sniff...if you dare! Unfortunately, the glue on this card was extra tacky and took off parts of the image. Bummer. (...and no, I have not scratched or smelled the card!)

Even those these cards were released in 1992, they have more a 50's or 60's vibe to be. I say this because I don't believe kids were playing with marionette dolls or puppets in the early 90's. I found this card to be a little harsh, but this is nothing when compared to the next card.

When I opened up this card in the car riding home from our vacation, I'm pretty sure I was speechless. Man...that's rough. I'm not sure if that's really even funny...and this comes from a guy that isn't really politically correct either. What's your thought on this card? Did Topps push that envelope too far?

I've seen these cards listed over at before, but only the front and backs are scanned, not the inside. I'm a little curious now as to what some of the other cards look like, especially after opening this pack. It's a small set at only 44 cards and they can easily be had for less than $15 on eBay.


Fuji said...

Lol. Love the warning. I'm starting to wonder if I should preface every one of my blog posts with one just in case :D

flywheels said...

I think it's sad that we should have to even worry about something as silly as this, but hey, it's the world we live in now. A lot has changed since 1992!