Again John Cena is Topps' poster child for WWE product. Each retail pack contains 5 foil cards. Note the blurb that cards are written by Michael Cole. More on that later.
#9 Gail Kim
One of the current WWE Divas.
#90 Skip Sheffield
This card has a refractor like sheen and is printed on thicker card stock. It's not sequentially numbered and I don't see anything about this card on the back of the pack. Perhaps a one per pack parallel?
Former (?) member of the Nexus. Don't get me started about his nickname on his vest...
#PP-16 The Hart Dynasty - Platinum Performance (1:4 packs)
Similar to the previous card this insert has a rainbow foil on both the front and back of the card.
#89 Vader
Or Big Van Vader as I remember him from his WCW days. Notice how the paragraph starts. "Michael Cole says..." The WWE commentator wrote the back of each card in the set. Love 'em or hate 'em I enjoyed reading the backs of each card. While not every card offered new information to me I thought they were well written none the less.

#10 Iron Sheik
Like with past WWE products this set mixes the old with the new. Notice the classic yet altered logo just above the name. At least from the numbering it appears the hall of fame personalities are mixed in w/ the current talent instead of being lumped together at the end of the set as was the case with the base set.
Or Big Van Vader as I remember him from his WCW days. Notice how the paragraph starts. "Michael Cole says..." The WWE commentator wrote the back of each card in the set. Love 'em or hate 'em I enjoyed reading the backs of each card. While not every card offered new information to me I thought they were well written none the less.
#10 Iron Sheik
Like with past WWE products this set mixes the old with the new. Notice the classic yet altered logo just above the name. At least from the numbering it appears the hall of fame personalities are mixed in w/ the current talent instead of being lumped together at the end of the set as was the case with the base set.
To sum things up - I ended up ordering a hobby box of this product after my first pack preview. While I wasn't overly excited about the very similar Platinum design used for this years football set - it works for wrestling cards for some odd reason. It doesn't feel high end to me, but it is head and shoulders above the base WWE set released earlier this year. There are several tiers of parallels to chase along with a few insert sets and a good autograph checklist. I'm sure I'll write up a box break post once my shipment arrives so make sure to drop by Cardboard Collections for more WWE goodies!