I LOVE stickers! I loved them as a kid, I still love them now. If you walk around my house you will see file cabinets, stereo cases, tool boxes and book shelves covered in stickers.
As a kid you could buy Topps stickers and the corresponding sticker books at the snack bar at my Little League park. I think the book was a dollar, maybe 50 cents. I obsessively bought packs and traded to fill that book. I wish I still had them. By the mid-80s we were told that the stickers lost their value if they were stuck. This made them a whole lot less fun and I still have a 1984 unstuck sticker of Don Mattingly that was supposed to pay for my college tuition. Anyway, by 1989 I had stopped buying stickers. The cover price of 25 cents for 5 sticker cards seems fair. In the case of each sticker card, there is a sticker (or two) one side and a card of a different player on the other. I think I would have preferred it if the card and sticker corresponded. I can't tell who most of these guys are because there are no names on them. Here is what I got! In each case I will refer to the front side as the sticker side and the flip side as the card side.

Thanks for reading. Oh, by the way, my blog the Collective Troll turned 1 year old this weekend and naturally there is a little contest. Vida Blue fans click here. Go Rays! troll out.
The flipside of Gwynn are Rick Sutcliffe (52) and Rance Mulliniks (192).
Next Keith Hernandez is Steve Balboni (222)
Then Don Robinson (86) and Dwight Evans (252)
Then Tim Leary (62) and I can't name the ChiSox pitcher without looking it up...unless it's Jerry Reuss, but I don't remember if he was still playing in 1988.
I love stickers...I bought a ton of these in the last year, but haven't been able to track down my old sticker albums.
Thanks Jason! I was pretty sure that was Sutcliffe. I was sure before it was Hernandez though... I appreciate you naming the nameless though...
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