Okay, its time for another oversized pack break from your friend the
Troll… This rip is of 1998 Pinnacle Mint. I believe these were a hobby exclusive and were pretty pricey back then. The oversized pack promises 3 cards and 1 minted coin.

I had bought a pack of this a few years back so I should have known what I was in for, but one of the thrills of having no short term memory is that everyday is full of surprises!

Here is what I got… The packaging is oversized, but it turns out the cards are normal card size.

First out is card #30 of Scott Rolen the heir to Mike Schmidt’s throne in Philadelphia. This one is a Minted Rookies and has an embossed Phillies logo in bronze on it.

Next up is #10 of the mulletted Mariner Randy Johnson.

The third card is #16 of Yankees starter Andy Pettitte.

This card lacks the bronze embossed logo that the other two cards had; rather it has a 1.25” hole in it instead.

Next is an oversized checklist showing the 30 base cards and the 7 different chase programs.

It’s a little weird to make a whole pack oversized just to accommodate a checklist, but Pinnacle was into the weird. The final card out of the pack was also oversized. It is a solid black, no photos, 3” by 5” card with the Pinnacle Mint Logo in the center and a 1-1/4” coin glued to it.

The coin in question is of Tigers first baseman Tony Clark. Even though I don’t get to keep any of these I was hoping for a more exciting coin. I could have pulled Cal Ripken, Tony Gwynn, Chipper Jones or Ken Griffey Jr. Oh well. To give a size comparison here is the coin I pulled myself last year of Mo Vaughn compared against a silver dollar, half dollar and a quarter. The Pinnacle coin is .050 larger than a half dollar.

This was the only pack of Mint that I had but it IS part of the 2010 CT Group Break! Thanks for reading. This hobby is habit forming. Go Rays! Troll out.
So, are you supposed to put a Petite coin in the hole when you get it? I guess that's how they get you to buy packs, to match up the cards and the coins. Meh.
TJ, It doesn't really fit. Well it does but its really tight. I have seen these cards with the big hole in them in the dollar box at the card shop and always wondered what the deal was. The original price sticker on these (from 12 years ago) said 6 bucks. Not worth it. I liked Pinnacle in the 90s but I think they missed with this one. I do have to say that I wouldn't mind having a coin with my favorite player on it though. If I collected Tony Clark and was keeping this pack I would have been AMPED. Wow, this comment is longer than the post. Sheesh. The Mo Vaughn coin is on the block by the way. The rest is for the group break.
Highland Mit was a REALbig thing in the mid 90s and Pinnacle was trying to jump on the coin bandwagon. Can't blame them for trying something different. When you think about it, it isn't so "out there" as putting cards in cans. Lots of people at least collect coins, not so many collect cans. (although I know someone that has an amazing Budwieser bottle/can collection)
I never bought any baseball ones but I did buy some football oes back then. They came in a crazy think pack that had 1 card and two coins in a kind of plastic holder. I have the Marino one in my collection. If it wasn't so burried and hard to get to I would scan the crazy package thing for you.
I typed all this to say that I would love to have that Mo Vaughn in my collection.
And you thought your comment was long.
Its all yours Adam E!
I agree that it would be nice to pull a real star of a coin, but I am happy with a Tiger anyday!
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