I received a package from my good friend to the South Wicked Ortega of the
My Past Time I Love It! blog. He was voted the 2009 Blog Trader of the Year and for good reason. I swear half of my collection came from South Florida... Anyway, hidden cleverly in the shipment from South Fla was an unopened pack from 2009 Allen and Ginter.

I think these came in hobby boxes. The card's wrapper states that it isn't available for individual sale. The pack contains one N43 style card. I opened a few of these from 2008 and the best card I got was a Hanley Ramirez which immediately headed to Wicked. I think he was returning the favor with this one. I think there is the potential to get an autograph or memorabilia card in one of these packs, but I haven't been that lucky yet.

Anyway, this is the first 2009 pack I have ripped. It waited in my house for over a week before I tore into it and I must say the pack almost opened itself as soon as I began to tear. I suspect I may have been the victim of a pack searching! When I did "open" the pack my suspicions were confirmed. I am pretty sure the pack was searched and the sender knew full well what he was giving me. That is okay because it was the perfect card for me. Are you ready? I said "ARE YOU READY???"!!!

I will assume that everyone is ready so here is what I got: EVAN LONGORIA! Yep, the Rays All Star 3rd baseman was hidden of the pack with the smiling Ginter man on it. Perfect!

I have wanted this one for a while. Looking at the checklist it is probably the only card I would want, my quest is complete. Thanks so much for your generosity
Wicked! You never fail to awe me with your class and kindness. Oh, by the by... This is not part of the group break, it is going directly to my personal collection. Thanks for reading. I love this hobby! Go Rays! troll out.
hehehe i'll never tell.....
pack searchers are ruining this hobby!!22#$%
Nice "pull"!
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