Most people probably bought this stuff looking for either Ichiro and Pujols rookies, the other good rookies or some of the inserts. Me? I'm just looking for people I've heard of. Will I be successful?

#468 Billy Wagner (two-for-two on people I've heard of!)

#518 Darryl Hamilton (most of the backs feature a nice posed photo, like this one)

(look at that bio line, by the way. Who would of thought Darryl Hamilton held a record?)
#709 Bobby Bonilla (didn't know he was still playing in 2001...and the look on his face is priceless)

#613 Jose Silva (aaand there goes the streak of people I've heard of)

#492 Ray Durham (anybody got a good caption for this? I'm stuck between "Stop! In the name of love" and "Whoa man, don't get any closer...I've got a bat")

#534 Brett Laxton (yeah, uh...who?)

#653 Mark Redman

#420 Eddie Perez (he looks furious at that baserunner he's gunning down)

#544 Frank Menechino (sa-wing and a miss!)

Well, there you have it. No Ichiro, no Pujols, but I got Rickey! And I bet Rickey loves it when people pull cards of Rickey.