From everything I've seen, people either love or hate this set. The Hollywood memorabilia cards are pretty sweet, but some other things are lacking. What random historical events will I pull?
#156 Hawaii becomes a state (not bad. Never been there, but I know it's a great place)

#147 Luis Mendoza (he currently has a 36.00 ERA this season)

#188 Louisiana Purchase (at least these Historical Moments have been actually historical)

#194 Human Genome Project red parallel #'d 36/149 (any genetics collectors out there?)

#35 Gary Sheffield (I hate Gary Sheffield. Read (and watch) this and the 14th paragraph here to find out why. And I was at that game too...great moment, but his reaction was horrible)

#74 Jimmy Rollins

#100 Ryan Zimmerman (wonder if he'd be a household name in another city...)

YSL #4066 Billy Martin

Not a bad pack, but I've seen better of this.
Can I see the back of that Human Genome Project? (or can you type in the text?)
I will totally do that, but unfortunately I'm on vacation and won't have access to the card till like Wednesday or Thursday. I can still type it here then if you'd still like?
Andy, here's the text from the back of that card: "In an effort to better understand the genetic makeup of human beings, the Human Genome Project was implemented in 1990 by James D. Watson. While humans are the main focus, other nonhuman organisms are also concentrated on, including the fruit fly and the laboratory mouse. The hope is that the project will result in advances in medicine and bio technology." Hope that helps!
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