Evidently, this Wacky Packages rip off was in its third series with the 2008 release. Each pack contains 6 sticker cards with puzzle or checklist backs. Honestly, this is the type of thing that one kid you knew in grade school would have gotten because his parents were a little too cheap. You had the Transformers, he had the Go-Bots. Yeah, that kid.
Collect them all!

Somehow you know this would have been funnier in Wacky Packages...

They were really stretching with this one...

This is SNL of today, rather than the SNL of yesteryear... Know what I mean?

This had potential but they ruined it with the tag lines...


The best of the pack, but that's not saying much...

Decent artwork all around but, man... Sad jokes.
The perfect people repellent for Canteen Boy.
Good jokes. Better than the usual on similar cards.
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