Greetings, programs!
I remember being a twelve-year old kid wanting to see TRON when it first came out. I didn't get to see it until over a year later, when I tagged along with my Dad to the house of one of his work friends. He was practicing for a table tennis tournament in his buddy's garage, and I was in his family room finally watching this movie--on Laserdisc!
The movie also germinated an interest in me into computer-generated graphics that has come to dominate much of my adult working career. Yes, I am fan, but not as much of one as Mr. Moose Knuckle famously is.
It was in many ways spectacular and groundbreaking, and in many other ways (like the script) it was not, and certainly not in trading cards. I came by this pack (here's the back side) from eBay, when I bought some unopened non-sports packs on the cheap. Opening this pack is also timely, as a vastly more vivid and complex sequel to the film is due out towards the end of this year.
As the pack states, it comes with 8 (full color) cards, an "Authentic" Tron Sticker (whew! no fakes!), and "Tips for Winning Tron Video Game", in whatever way they're going to provide that to us.
It's interesting that the cards (66 card, 8 sticker set) are copyrighted for 1981, when the film came out a year later. As you'll see in the cards pulled, that it looks like that they got some early scenes from the movie to be able to make the card set in advance of the film.
Printed on almost copy-paper-thin card stock (like the 1981 Donruss MLB cards), these cards both smell and feel uniquely glossy. They are also missing the usual trappings of movie tie-in cards, with no film facts on the back, nor snappy little comments on the action on the front; you know, something like, "Hairy Danger!"
As for the scans, sorry that some of them seem very dusty or with defects in them. The cards are fine, but come out of the pack with all kinds of cardboard lint that sticks to the gloss.
Without further ado:

Also interesting that this looks like a storyboard render taken from the Super Foonly F-1 supercomputer as a pre-production image. The card is even missing the TRON logo in the lower right corner. Good thing that there are other cards in this pack, or I might have had no idea what this was when I was twelve.

The little specs in the middle of the red dish part are part of the image (no, not card lint). They are the movie characters standing on the threshold of the Master Control Program (MCP). Presumably, he's demanding more macaroni pictures.

So where's our Pro Tip?

hahaha what the hell
greatest. pack. ever.
I'm speechless. That was awesome.
This has got to be a first ballot Hall of Famer.
New trailer for Tron Legacy:
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