Take a hairy Bigfoot and make him lovable by pairing him up with John Lithgow and calling the family "The Hendersons," then ask Topps to take various vidcaps and studio shots and make them into stickers and cards, and voila! Instant, um, success. In the name of honesty and bearing all of one's dirty laundry online as is so modus operandi these days, my family went to see the film when it came out. How could we not? We had a relative named Harry, and well, we are Hendersons, so it seemed a natural progression of life. Also in the name of honesty, I don't remember a thing about it.
This pack features a checklist card! Wahoo! We now know there are 77 cards in the set. Let's get crackin! We also have Ernie, who LOOKS like an Ernie (no offense to any Ernies out there):

Is it voyeurism when you are looking in the windows of your own house? Was it their own house? I have no idea. We also have the "1 sticker per pack" here, too. Evidently, animals sticking their heads out the windows of vehicles goes way, way back...

Oh, isn't that sweet? It's like "Bambi"... or Thumper maybe is more appropriate for "Ernie's first kill." Man, I don't even think you could get away with saying that on a card these days... And then we have LaFleur - which in French is "flower" and of course the villain would stink, so his name is something of an oxymoron or something. I'm sure I learned that in all my literature classes...

Hmm, when I saw the scan of the next cards, I had to go back and check the words! On here, it does not look like "Sniff! Sniff!" to me!! And in the next card, Harry looks a lot like Rafiki from "Lion King" - but without the make-up...

And finally, Harry evidently knew this dearly departed deer. And, is there really a Bigfoot museum? That'd be a great place to take the kids...

I think Topps should bring this card design to baseball or football cards next year - the vines, the small inset face, the red and yellow... Talk about retro!
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