#5 Chipper Jones

I guess I see why they call it Autographics... it's got a large foil signature across the middle of the card. Exciting stuff.
#39 Alex Rodriguez

Now that I think about it, this seems like a mixture of mid-90s Studio (portrait shots) and 1994 Collector's Choice (silver signature).
#59 Bobby Abreu

#15 Paul Konerko

#28 Mike Sweeney

Not a bad pack, overall. Sure, there were no serial numbers or autos, but two Hall of Famers out of five cards isn't a bad ratio.
I love that Chipper! I've never seen this set before. Looks pretty cool.
Now there's another Chipper card I have to track down.
Well, I see Chipper but who was the other Hall of Famer in that pack? Ha!
Abreu, or maybe Konerko if he gets far enough past 500 homers.
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